Band Update - Term 2
Wednesday 5 June
Hi Everyone
Lots of good news to share this week!
Firstly, Band Weekend was a great success. Each band made progress with their pieces under the guidance of our expert tutors and conductors. The children managed to make it to the end with big smiles and energy after hours of concentration and great work…we hope they slept well for you.
Thank you to the parents who volunteered on the day with the various tasks and a big thanks to Monica Leffler and Gabrielle Kilpatrick for organising and managing the food sustenance aspect.
Rainbow Disco will reap rewards for Band. Thursday 13 June (that’s soon!} Helping hands required
This year the school disco will be a fundraiser for our band program and as such, we are seeking the help of band families. The disco is always a fun event to be involved with – the parents and children have a great time showing off their dancing prowess.
Band parents have been nominated to look after the catering – sausage sizzle, snacks and drinks. Alison Houlihan (Snr Band Parent) will be leading the charge and needs helping hands for the catering.
Sign up, throw on an apron and join us at the Rock and Roll Rainbow Disco or volunteer to supervise in the Hall as a parent dancer – think about those kilos coming off while having fun! Pledge your help via this link …
Performance Evening – Thursday 27 June 6.30pm
A night for parents to hear how the bands are progressing and enjoy their performances. They are sounding great.
Diary Dates to note.
Thursday 27 June - Band Performance Night (6pm arrival for 6.30pm performance) in the BHPS Hall. Keep an eye out for more details. Parents are invited to a performance evening to hear the lovely sounds your children are making.
Sunday 11 August - ASBOF NSW Band Festival at UNSW. Details differ for each band so please refer to the website. More details to come regarding parking, tickets etc
Saturday 14 September – Local Election Sausage Sizzle and cake stall. Fundraiser for band.
If your child is unavailable for either performance dates please let me know ASAP.
Diary dates – found on
Just a reminder that all information about the band program and initiatives will be communicated only through official channels – i.e. this email address, the band website, the BHPS newsletter and if there are any technical issues with these channels, occasionally text messages/whats app.
If you are ever unsure about details relating to anything ‘band’, such as timing for a performance or dates, please refer to these channels! If you can’t find what you are looking for please email or text 0403 579 130.
Band Fees – Thank you
Thank you to those parents who have paid their band fees. Also a reminder to those who are still to pay. If you need to set up a payment plan please contact Sharon on You are also welcome to set up direct deposits in smaller payments – just let Sharon know that this is set up so we can plan around that.
As always, thanks for your support of the band program. Any questions, please ask.