Making Great Music ... Together

Science has shown that when children learn to play music, their brains begin to hear and process sounds that they couldn't otherwise hear. This helps them develop "neurophysiological distinction" between certain sounds that can aid in literacy, which can translate into improved academic results for children.

 Welcome to the Balgowlah Heights Public School Band information hub.  Here you will find all everything you need to know about band activities throughout the year including timetables, important dates for performances and events, how to join the band and much more.

We look forward to welcoming you to the BHPS Band Program.

Latest News and Information

Assessment Day - Wednesday 5 February in the Hall
We are looking forward to seeing everyone back at band.  Access this link for the assessment schedule.

Band Start Dates -  will be posted in Upcoming Events  below

Upcoming Events

BHPS Band Events and Performances

Junior/Training Band

This band is for our beginner musicians - those new to playing an instrument. We want to make sure that our band members have a great experience from the start of your music career so we have a thorough process that guides the musicians to the right instrument for them. 

Find out how you can join the band 

Students New To The School

We welcome students who are new to the school and have been playing an instrument at their previous school. There is an assessment process whereby we can determine the band placement that the band member is best suited for.
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String Program

Our program also offers a string program which is  growing each year.  Students can join the Beginner Strings Program from Year 1 and progress to the ensemble when their skills are developed.

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Playing music helps your child's brain development more than almost any other activity.  Hear how this happens from Anita Collins.

Why Learn An Instrument?

Extensive research has shown that playing music helps your child’s brain development more than almost any other activity. For children in particular, the skills they acquire from learning music contribute directly to development in language, literacy, numeracy, creativity, fine motor co-ordination, concentration, self-confidence, social skills, teamwork and self-discipline. Band provides a perfect opportunity to develop these skills in a fun and creative environment.

In addition to the joy that learning music brings, being proficient on a musical instrument opens up a range of opportunities including: scholarships and part scholarships at independent schools, possible membership to extension community bands; taking part in performances, music competitions and festivals. Our local high schools also offer extensive, high quality band programs.